Fun In Devlok: Shiva Plays Dumb Charades

Fun In Devlok: Shiva Plays Dumb Charades

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Age: 6+

Product Description

One evening, five children are playing dumb charades when Shiva descends from heaven to play with them. He turns out to be better than any of the five children in playing dumb charades. Shiva's rattle drum, the crescent moon and fountain of water on his head all become props in his story-telling. The demon of forgetfulness and secret of the Natraj statue and many other stories come to life before the children. In the book Fun in Devlok: Shiva Plays Dumb Charades, readers can see how the lord talks to us without speaking. Children will learn about Indian gods and goddesses through this book.

Devdutt Pattanaik has tried to contemporise gods and goddesses through this book. He brings out their fun side and tries to demystify our myths. The Fun in Devlok series has many stories that will amuse young readers. Other titles in the series are Gauri and the Talking Cow, Indra Finds Happiness, Saraswati's Secret River and An Identity Card for Krishna.