Bye, Penguin!
Bye, Penguin!
Bye, Penguin!

Bye, Penguin!

Regular price Rs. 599.00 Rs. 0.00   Unit price per

Author: Seou Lee

Age: 4-8

Format: Hardcover

Production Description

You'd think that a penguin stranded on an ever-smaller block of ice, on a trip around the world wouldn't be so. FUN!

But it is! There's our fearless penguin passing the gondolas of Venice. there's penguin floating by the Sydney Opera House!

From the Aurora Borealis to a hilarious encounter with a surfer in Hawaii, this is a wordless journey that truly FROLICKS.

In fact, the adventures are so amusing that most readers will barely register the nod to global warming until it's slipped right in on the breath of a laugh.